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The little electron

Writer: Petra LohmeierPetra Lohmeier

Updated: Mar 29, 2019

Do you sometimes have the experience that an idea just doesn't leave you alone until you write it down? Well, this one was in my head earlier for two hours, so here it is...

So, people say visualizations are important. Why?

Tony Robbins also speaks of the two millimeter shift. What does that do in this context?

Well, the below picture is a graphic of a two-slit experiment with electrons.

Imagine the little electron in the light bulb on the left in yellow and imagine these electrons shaped like little bullets.

Further imagine that maybe the electron can only look into the direction it is pointing at, so if if wants to look up, it needs to point up. Wherever it points, it is flying.

The direction it is looking and pointing at is the outcome it visualizes, good or bad.

Now imagine the little electron in the experiment:

If it points too high, i.e. has unrealistic expectations it'll hit a wall. But it'll probably bounce back somewhere, either back to the light bulb to try again, or a bit further down. If it is just right, it'll hit the first slit and have a breakthrough, and then it depends on its state and therefore direction again where it'll eventually end up on the back wall - at the top end, e.g. as spiritual Guru/Saint/ Nelson Mandela/Martin Luther King/Mahatma Gandhi etc., or somewhere in mid-field.

If it points straight ahead from the light bulb, it will hit a wall, because mediocre doesn't cut it.

If the little electron points further down, though, the outcome is interesting. The electron may point down because expects the worst, or, in some cases, society around it expects the worst of it, or society simply has limited capabilities with regards to perceiving reality, and the little electron cannot change perceptions immediately. In that situation, it gets a breakthrough again, but not necessarily the kind it wants - this time, it may be bankruptcy, or a divorce, or it may be thrown unjustly into prison. In any case, life changes dramatically. At this stage, it depends on how the break through the line is handled, whether the tragectory goes up again thereafter. If the bullet changes it's "state" Tony Robbins - style and makes that 2 mm shift to point its little head up instead of down, it may end up near the top of the wall in the end. Nelson Mandela got thrown into prison, and it took 27 years for perceptions to change, but in the end, he ended up further up at the top than anybody could ever have expected.

If the bullet looks too far down from the outset, though, it hits a wall again, and then it bounces off into oblivion.

That's the potential power of visualization - visualization of the individual, and visualization by society as a whole.

Is it guaranteed to work at the top end? No. You may visualize all you want as individual, but if society is not ready, you may pave the way, but you may not reap the rewards immediately. However, it may work eventually. Nelson Mandela waited for a very long time, but the rewards were extraordinary. Or, alternatively, it may not be society that is the problem, but you may simply overshoot or miss to develop some skills along the way, and you may never figure out what they are - some people will still hit the wall, no matter how much they visualize. But then, they may bounce further down and have the breakthrough of the other kind, after which change into the upward direction becomes possible again...

But at the bottom end it pretty much works every time, so if you look down, not up, you pretty much have a guarantee of where you'll be going.

So why not point the little bullet up and look in the direction you want to go, to give you the best chance to get where you want to be going? And even if you don't see immediate results, maybe just this change in attitude can be your contribution to society, to get the ball rolling into a new, positive direction?

In any case, it will be much more enjoyable to look into the future!



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